Week 98: Mission Completed
Well, this will be my last email that I send out before I come home. I would like to start out by saying that I will be coming home Thursday the 27th at 1:00pm. I will be reporting on the 30th at 9:00am at the church building located on Ustick and Cloverdale. I would love to see you all there.
This past week Elder Valencia and I were able to go to the temple with 2 recent converts. One of the recent converts name is Guadalupe, she is a widow who is 70 years old. She did the family history work for her parents, husband, and daughter who have passed away and got the cards ready for the temple. At the temple Elder Valencia I were able to do the work for her father and husband. As we came out of the water we saw that her eyes were filled with tears. I went over to her and she told us with a calming voice, "They are now free." She said that she felt the presence of her loved ones in a way that she could not explain. I testify of the power of the temple. I testify of the Spirit World, and of those who are eagerly waiting to receive all of the saving ordinances.
This past week Ruiz and Caudia were able to get married! What an amazing experience. It truly was a miracle. In 2 weeks we got everything ready for them to get married. The judge came on Saturday afternoon and they even had a little reception with their family and friends. Ruiz has been progressing a lot! The best part is that he is now living the Law of Chastity and he and his wife couldn't seem happier. We are planning his baptism for the 26th, the night before I come home. I testify that God is a God of miracles. If we act righteously with all diligence God always provides us with his divine help to make miracles happen. I have been a witness of many miracles in the mission. God truly does want to bless us.
I testify that this work is of God. I know that God is our living father heaven. I know that Jesus Christ is his only begotten and beloved son, he is the redeemer of us all. I know that no injustice in immortality is permanent thanks to the heroic atonement preformed by the Lord Jesus Christ. I know that true and permanent change comes through his atonement. When we are tested in this mortal state, the only way we can find true protection from the adversary is drawing ourselves nearer to the Savior. He is our perfect example. He is the light and the life of the world. I am thankful for each memory that I have been able to obtain here in the mission. Enjoy the Christmas Spirit and I will see all of you very soon!
Love, Elder Gibson
Monday, December 17, 2018
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Week 97. Valle Verde, Mexico.
Week 97: Progressing!
Well this week has been good! We have been working alot with the investigtors that we have. Alicia and Ruiz are just one step away from being baptized. They both just have to get married and they are ready! Elder Valencia and I have been really busy going to several civil registration centers to get all of the information and dates for their marriages! However when we go in it is always awkward because they always think that elder Valencia and I are the ones who are wanting to get married haha! Alicia has been progressing alot. She told us that she wants to be baptized to always have the spirit. We have taught her a few times and during some of the lessons she will interrupt us and say, "I am feeling something really wierd and really comforting right now, what is it?" We go on and tell her that it is the spirit. She has 2 little girls and she wants the best for her kids. She also told us that she wants to be baptized to set an example for her family. Ruiz is so excited to get married so that he can get baptized too. Him and his wife Claudia have plans on getting sealed in the Mexico City Temple in a year with 3 children. Claudia wants to get sealed in that temple because her grandfather was one of the workers who constructed the temple over 40 years ago. They are great!!!!
Elder Valencia and I have plans this week to go with some of the members to a nearby hosptial to donate cookies and share a message about Jesus Christ. We have been highly blessed these past few weeks. I am so thankful for these last few weeks that God has given me to work in his vineyard. Have a wonderful week!! A picture of the zone and the backroads of our area.
Love, Elder Gibson
Well this week has been good! We have been working alot with the investigtors that we have. Alicia and Ruiz are just one step away from being baptized. They both just have to get married and they are ready! Elder Valencia and I have been really busy going to several civil registration centers to get all of the information and dates for their marriages! However when we go in it is always awkward because they always think that elder Valencia and I are the ones who are wanting to get married haha! Alicia has been progressing alot. She told us that she wants to be baptized to always have the spirit. We have taught her a few times and during some of the lessons she will interrupt us and say, "I am feeling something really wierd and really comforting right now, what is it?" We go on and tell her that it is the spirit. She has 2 little girls and she wants the best for her kids. She also told us that she wants to be baptized to set an example for her family. Ruiz is so excited to get married so that he can get baptized too. Him and his wife Claudia have plans on getting sealed in the Mexico City Temple in a year with 3 children. Claudia wants to get sealed in that temple because her grandfather was one of the workers who constructed the temple over 40 years ago. They are great!!!!
Elder Valencia and I have plans this week to go with some of the members to a nearby hosptial to donate cookies and share a message about Jesus Christ. We have been highly blessed these past few weeks. I am so thankful for these last few weeks that God has given me to work in his vineyard. Have a wonderful week!! A picture of the zone and the backroads of our area.
Love, Elder Gibson
Monday, December 3, 2018
Week 96. Valle Verde, Mexico.
Week 96: Miracles!
Wow this week was absolutely amazing. Elder Valencia and I have been so blessed with so many spiritual experiences. This past week we had 2 exchanges with other missionaries. The first exchange I was with Elder Bermudez in his area. He has about 3 months in the mission and we were able to work hard and find a lot of new people for them to teach. Than on Friday we had exchanges with the assistants and I was with Elder Richies. I was in their area and Elder Richies and I were able to find a lot of success. It was also a good time because he is a huge sports fan so we were able to get a few chats in about sports.
On Thursday Elder Valencia and l had a very cool experience. We taught a family where the mother and daughter are recent converts to the church but the father still hasn't decided to be baptized. However, he has been coming to church for a few weeks now. We were able to finally teach him and his wife together. We were able to talk about the family and how his family can be together forever. This drew his attention and Elder Valencia and I know now that he knows that the church is true. The only thing is that this is the first time in his life that he has been attending a church. We are going to keep working with him to help him feel like he is ready to be born again and be baptized.
This week we also had an incredible experience with our investigator Alicia, she{s a young mother with a little girl and a newborn girl, before we arrived to her house she was praying to know the path she would follow to be closer to God, protect her family, and to leave behind the fear and depression issues she was having. During the lesson we shared a scripture in the Book of Mormon about how the pure love and faith of Christ wipes away fear. She felt as if the scripture was talking to her, she expressed that she felt a burning sensation in her heart, then we talked about the Holy Ghost and how it reveals the truth through feelings and thoughts. Also that burning sensation in her heart, she mentioned to us that she has never felt like that but she loves it. She then asked, how can I feel that more constantly in my life_ We started to talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ, baptism, and the gift of the constant companion, even the Holy Ghost. She had some questions and fears about being baptized and then after fail with the commandments but we taught her about the sacrament and repentance. She was more determined to follow Christ, what a powerful lesson. The only need is that she needs to get married to her boyfriend, but we think it can be done easily. At church this past Sunday she came with her friend and with another young family (future investigators) to have their babies be blessed during sacrament meeting. I was the first time my companion and I had ever blessed a baby. Elder Valencia blessed Alicia´s baby girl and I blessed the baby boy of this new family that came to church with Alicia, it was super spiritual.
Also Saturday was very special. I am not sure if you guys can remember in my last email that I talked about that guy who isn't a member but came to church with his family and we had a lesson planned for Saturday? The mans name is Ruiz and we passed by on Saturday and had one of the most special lessons I have ever had here on the mission. We showed up and they were waiting for us to get there. We started off by singing the hymn families can be together forever. During the song the wife who is a member started crying. Later she expressed her gratitude to God that he had made it possible for her husband to change and to accept and listen to our message. We than taught the restoration of the gospel but focused on the family. Ruiz had a lot of questions. He was raised a family with different beliefs so he had a lot of questions. Despite all the questions, Elder Valencia and I were able answer each questions according to what the spirit dictated us to say. We could see that the Spirit was testifying to him the truth of our message. At the end of the lesson, Ruiz{s wife told us that her greatest desire was for Ruiz to get baptized and than be able to baptize their 8 year old daughter and than to finally be sealed to have an eternal family. Ruiz is now very encouraged to keep learning and to come to church. We are working a lot with him so that he can get baptized the 23rd, receive the Holy Ghost, The Aaronic priesthood, and baptize his 8 year old daughter the same day. God has been showing us that he truly is a God of miracles. I am so thankful to participate in such a great work. Have a wonderful week!
Wow this week was absolutely amazing. Elder Valencia and I have been so blessed with so many spiritual experiences. This past week we had 2 exchanges with other missionaries. The first exchange I was with Elder Bermudez in his area. He has about 3 months in the mission and we were able to work hard and find a lot of new people for them to teach. Than on Friday we had exchanges with the assistants and I was with Elder Richies. I was in their area and Elder Richies and I were able to find a lot of success. It was also a good time because he is a huge sports fan so we were able to get a few chats in about sports.
On Thursday Elder Valencia and l had a very cool experience. We taught a family where the mother and daughter are recent converts to the church but the father still hasn't decided to be baptized. However, he has been coming to church for a few weeks now. We were able to finally teach him and his wife together. We were able to talk about the family and how his family can be together forever. This drew his attention and Elder Valencia and I know now that he knows that the church is true. The only thing is that this is the first time in his life that he has been attending a church. We are going to keep working with him to help him feel like he is ready to be born again and be baptized.
This week we also had an incredible experience with our investigator Alicia, she{s a young mother with a little girl and a newborn girl, before we arrived to her house she was praying to know the path she would follow to be closer to God, protect her family, and to leave behind the fear and depression issues she was having. During the lesson we shared a scripture in the Book of Mormon about how the pure love and faith of Christ wipes away fear. She felt as if the scripture was talking to her, she expressed that she felt a burning sensation in her heart, then we talked about the Holy Ghost and how it reveals the truth through feelings and thoughts. Also that burning sensation in her heart, she mentioned to us that she has never felt like that but she loves it. She then asked, how can I feel that more constantly in my life_ We started to talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ, baptism, and the gift of the constant companion, even the Holy Ghost. She had some questions and fears about being baptized and then after fail with the commandments but we taught her about the sacrament and repentance. She was more determined to follow Christ, what a powerful lesson. The only need is that she needs to get married to her boyfriend, but we think it can be done easily. At church this past Sunday she came with her friend and with another young family (future investigators) to have their babies be blessed during sacrament meeting. I was the first time my companion and I had ever blessed a baby. Elder Valencia blessed Alicia´s baby girl and I blessed the baby boy of this new family that came to church with Alicia, it was super spiritual.
Also Saturday was very special. I am not sure if you guys can remember in my last email that I talked about that guy who isn't a member but came to church with his family and we had a lesson planned for Saturday? The mans name is Ruiz and we passed by on Saturday and had one of the most special lessons I have ever had here on the mission. We showed up and they were waiting for us to get there. We started off by singing the hymn families can be together forever. During the song the wife who is a member started crying. Later she expressed her gratitude to God that he had made it possible for her husband to change and to accept and listen to our message. We than taught the restoration of the gospel but focused on the family. Ruiz had a lot of questions. He was raised a family with different beliefs so he had a lot of questions. Despite all the questions, Elder Valencia and I were able answer each questions according to what the spirit dictated us to say. We could see that the Spirit was testifying to him the truth of our message. At the end of the lesson, Ruiz{s wife told us that her greatest desire was for Ruiz to get baptized and than be able to baptize their 8 year old daughter and than to finally be sealed to have an eternal family. Ruiz is now very encouraged to keep learning and to come to church. We are working a lot with him so that he can get baptized the 23rd, receive the Holy Ghost, The Aaronic priesthood, and baptize his 8 year old daughter the same day. God has been showing us that he truly is a God of miracles. I am so thankful to participate in such a great work. Have a wonderful week!
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Week 95. Valle Verde, Mexico.
Week 95: Weeks are counting down!
This past week we had our ups and downs! We had 2 baptisms planned for this Saturday but we arent going to able to have them. Jessica and Nataly had to leave Monterrey to go to Dallas to fix some problems. She commented to us that she didnt know how long she was going to be out of town. We were super discouraged because they were one week away from entering into the waters of baptism. However, with her situation she had to leave immediately. The good part is that she is going to get in contact with the missionaries over there in Dallas.
Despite the sad news about Jessica and Nataly, we were able to see the Lords hand in the work here in our area this past week. She showed up to church and noticed an unfamiliar man with a woman and her kids that we do know. We were just thinking that he was a a less acive member who hasnt been to church in a while. However, at the end of the services, he came up to us and presented himself to us. We figured out that he wasnt a member of the church and was visiting the church for his very first time with his family. Of course Elder Valencia and I got super excited and we got to know him alittle bit more. At the end of the conversation, he asked if we could pass by Saturday to teach him about the gospel! What a testimony that God always blesses us a different way than we think sometimes.
Yesterday, we had my very last zone conference and I was able to give my final testimony. I am amazed at how much my testimony has grown over these 2 years. I am so thankful for each and every person that I have met over these 2 years. Most importantly, I am so thankful for all of the sweet memories I have been able to have over these past 2 years.
Today we were able to go to a place called Las Grutas de Garcia or in english, Garcia´s caverns. It was an amazing experience! I will make sure to add pictures. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving because here it doesnt exist! I hope you all are getting in the christmas spirit! Have a great week.
Love, Elder Gibson
This past week we had our ups and downs! We had 2 baptisms planned for this Saturday but we arent going to able to have them. Jessica and Nataly had to leave Monterrey to go to Dallas to fix some problems. She commented to us that she didnt know how long she was going to be out of town. We were super discouraged because they were one week away from entering into the waters of baptism. However, with her situation she had to leave immediately. The good part is that she is going to get in contact with the missionaries over there in Dallas.
Despite the sad news about Jessica and Nataly, we were able to see the Lords hand in the work here in our area this past week. She showed up to church and noticed an unfamiliar man with a woman and her kids that we do know. We were just thinking that he was a a less acive member who hasnt been to church in a while. However, at the end of the services, he came up to us and presented himself to us. We figured out that he wasnt a member of the church and was visiting the church for his very first time with his family. Of course Elder Valencia and I got super excited and we got to know him alittle bit more. At the end of the conversation, he asked if we could pass by Saturday to teach him about the gospel! What a testimony that God always blesses us a different way than we think sometimes.
Yesterday, we had my very last zone conference and I was able to give my final testimony. I am amazed at how much my testimony has grown over these 2 years. I am so thankful for each and every person that I have met over these 2 years. Most importantly, I am so thankful for all of the sweet memories I have been able to have over these past 2 years.
Today we were able to go to a place called Las Grutas de Garcia or in english, Garcia´s caverns. It was an amazing experience! I will make sure to add pictures. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving because here it doesnt exist! I hope you all are getting in the christmas spirit! Have a great week.
Love, Elder Gibson
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Week 94. Valle Verde, Mexico.
Week 94: Valle Verde!
This first week here in Valle Verde was awesome. We were able to teach some great people! We are teaching a family who has a baptismal date for the 1st of December. The youngest son was baptized about a year ago but the rest of the family has not received the ordinance of baptism yet. They are super excited for their baptismal date! We are also teaching a 11 year old little girl named Nataly. Her mother is a member of the church for a long time now but she hadn't been coming to church for years. Elder Valencia and I found her and Nataly in the church records. She expressed to us her desire to return to church and her need for her daughter to be baptized. We set goals with them and set a baptismal date for Nataly for the 8th of December. Nataly and her mom came to church yesterday and they really enjoyed it! I am so excited for this transfer and all it has in store. Have a great week. Enjoy thanksgiving! I sent some pictures with my new companion Elder Valencia and some investigators from this past transfer in Las Puentes!
Love, Elder Gibson


This first week here in Valle Verde was awesome. We were able to teach some great people! We are teaching a family who has a baptismal date for the 1st of December. The youngest son was baptized about a year ago but the rest of the family has not received the ordinance of baptism yet. They are super excited for their baptismal date! We are also teaching a 11 year old little girl named Nataly. Her mother is a member of the church for a long time now but she hadn't been coming to church for years. Elder Valencia and I found her and Nataly in the church records. She expressed to us her desire to return to church and her need for her daughter to be baptized. We set goals with them and set a baptismal date for Nataly for the 8th of December. Nataly and her mom came to church yesterday and they really enjoyed it! I am so excited for this transfer and all it has in store. Have a great week. Enjoy thanksgiving! I sent some pictures with my new companion Elder Valencia and some investigators from this past transfer in Las Puentes!
Love, Elder Gibson
Week 93. Las Puentes, Mexico.
Week 93: Last Transfer!
Well, this week has been crazy! First off, today I start my last transfer in the mission! Second, I have changes to go to a different area! I will be going to be zone leader in a zone called Valle Verde. It is a really big zone so it should be a fun and an exciting way to end the mission. I will be with Elder Valencia. He is from Columbia. Of course I am excited to get to know a new area and new people however I am pretty sad about leaving Las Puentes. Juani, Saul, and Emilio have plans to get baptized this next week. It makes me a little sad to know that I wont be present for it however, I am so happy for their progress. This family has tested Elder Santos and I with alot of doubts and questions. I am so greatful for the Holy Ghost that can teach the truth of all things. This past week, Elder Santos and I also found an awesome family. It is a family of 5 and they are so prepared to hear the gospel. After we taught them about the restoration, they have been so intetrested. In fact, they have been reading the Book of Mormon each night as a family. The parents are stunned because they told us that this is the first time that their kids have shown intrest in learing about God. I love how this message is for everyone. How it can touch the heart of an 80 year old man but even an eight year old child. I am so excited for this last transfer that I have here in the mission to give it all to the Lord. I know that in my next area, in fact every area, there will be people waiting to hear the message about the restoration. I hope you all have a great week!
Love, Elder Gibson


Well, this week has been crazy! First off, today I start my last transfer in the mission! Second, I have changes to go to a different area! I will be going to be zone leader in a zone called Valle Verde. It is a really big zone so it should be a fun and an exciting way to end the mission. I will be with Elder Valencia. He is from Columbia. Of course I am excited to get to know a new area and new people however I am pretty sad about leaving Las Puentes. Juani, Saul, and Emilio have plans to get baptized this next week. It makes me a little sad to know that I wont be present for it however, I am so happy for their progress. This family has tested Elder Santos and I with alot of doubts and questions. I am so greatful for the Holy Ghost that can teach the truth of all things. This past week, Elder Santos and I also found an awesome family. It is a family of 5 and they are so prepared to hear the gospel. After we taught them about the restoration, they have been so intetrested. In fact, they have been reading the Book of Mormon each night as a family. The parents are stunned because they told us that this is the first time that their kids have shown intrest in learing about God. I love how this message is for everyone. How it can touch the heart of an 80 year old man but even an eight year old child. I am so excited for this last transfer that I have here in the mission to give it all to the Lord. I know that in my next area, in fact every area, there will be people waiting to hear the message about the restoration. I hope you all have a great week!
Love, Elder Gibson
Friday, November 9, 2018
Week 92. Las Puentes, Mexico.
Week 92: Just Another Week!
This past week was pretty difficult. We did a lot of street contacts that seemed to be really interesting in our message. However, after when we had passed by their homes for the lesson, they were not home. Also, Elder Santos and I had 2 exchanges this past week. On Tuesday I was with Elder Agla from Orem, Utah. He and I will be going home the same day so it was awesome to get to know him a bit more. Than on Friday we had exchanges with the assistants. I got to work with Elder Garrido from Cancun. We taught a lesson to Juani and Saul with a married couple from the ward about families and the temples. We talked about how families can be together forever. It was awesome because the marrried couple who came with us recently got sealed in the temple. Their testimonies helped us out a lot! It really was a spiritual lesson. Saul wants to get baptized and Juani has received a testimony of the church but is still timid about making this change in her life. She has been feeling the spirit but she is still a little nervous to leave her old life behind. However, I believe as she keeps praying that God will show unto her the need to enter into the waters of baptism. I love this work and I love the people here in Mexico! I hope you all have a great week.
Love, Elder Gibson
This past week was pretty difficult. We did a lot of street contacts that seemed to be really interesting in our message. However, after when we had passed by their homes for the lesson, they were not home. Also, Elder Santos and I had 2 exchanges this past week. On Tuesday I was with Elder Agla from Orem, Utah. He and I will be going home the same day so it was awesome to get to know him a bit more. Than on Friday we had exchanges with the assistants. I got to work with Elder Garrido from Cancun. We taught a lesson to Juani and Saul with a married couple from the ward about families and the temples. We talked about how families can be together forever. It was awesome because the marrried couple who came with us recently got sealed in the temple. Their testimonies helped us out a lot! It really was a spiritual lesson. Saul wants to get baptized and Juani has received a testimony of the church but is still timid about making this change in her life. She has been feeling the spirit but she is still a little nervous to leave her old life behind. However, I believe as she keeps praying that God will show unto her the need to enter into the waters of baptism. I love this work and I love the people here in Mexico! I hope you all have a great week.
Love, Elder Gibson
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Week 91: Las Puentes, Mexico.
Week 91: Ministering!
We were able to start off this past week with exchanges with Elder Tidwell and Elder Soares. I was able to work with Elder Soares from Brazil. He recently arrived here to the mission so it was great to work with him and learn a little bit of Portuguese. I always love working with missionaries who have little time in the mission to see all of their energy and love for the people. In general we were able to have a very successful day but we ended the night with a spiritual experience. That same day we ate with a family from the ward and as we ended, we shared a message with them than asked for some references. They passed us a reference of a less active family and they told us that they hadn't seen or heard from them in a long time. We left and kept with our plans that we had for the day thinking that later on we would go by and visit this less active family. However, our 2 lessons that we had planned out for the night fell through. As we were thinking about what we were going to do with this free time, we felt like we should go and visit this less active family. We got to the house and before we knocked the door, we heard people inside the house arguing one with another. We thought if it was a good time to visit them, however the spirit gave us the impression that we should. We than knocked and the mother came out just a little bit angry and irritated but let us come into her house. As we entered the house, we got to meet the whole family. This family consists of a single mom, her 3 daughters, and 1 younger son. The family is very similar to my own family because the age difference between all of the siblings is about the same in my family. This made it a little more special for me. As soon as I met them I felt a lot of love and compassion for them. We got to know them a little bit more and found out that they had stopped going to church over 2 years ago. We got to know as well that the mother was very close to entering into the temple. Really just a wonderful family. Elder Soares and I were able to share a message with this family and the spirit was very strong. I gained a testimony of the power of ministering. It is amazing how we don't have to know everything about the gospel, nor do we need to know a language perfectly for the spirit to do its work. Truly, Elder Soares and I just read a chapter of the Book of Mormon with them and we didn't say a word. However when we ended the chapter, everyone from the family was in tears and knew that it was time to come back to church. THAT IS THE SPIRIT! Its amazing that each one of us has the potential to help other people feel the sensation of the spirit in their lives. Also the Gonzalez family, Juani, Saul, and Emilio came to church yesterday for the stake conference. They are progressing well, please keep paying for them!
Today we had our district activity and we went to a famous lookout here in Monterrey. In our district we have people from Peru, Costa Rica, México, Brazil, Columbia, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, y Nebraska! At this lookout you can see the whole city of Monterrey. I never knew how big it really is! 5 Million people! After we went and ate at a buffet! Life cant get better! Have a great week!
Love, Elder Gibson
We were able to start off this past week with exchanges with Elder Tidwell and Elder Soares. I was able to work with Elder Soares from Brazil. He recently arrived here to the mission so it was great to work with him and learn a little bit of Portuguese. I always love working with missionaries who have little time in the mission to see all of their energy and love for the people. In general we were able to have a very successful day but we ended the night with a spiritual experience. That same day we ate with a family from the ward and as we ended, we shared a message with them than asked for some references. They passed us a reference of a less active family and they told us that they hadn't seen or heard from them in a long time. We left and kept with our plans that we had for the day thinking that later on we would go by and visit this less active family. However, our 2 lessons that we had planned out for the night fell through. As we were thinking about what we were going to do with this free time, we felt like we should go and visit this less active family. We got to the house and before we knocked the door, we heard people inside the house arguing one with another. We thought if it was a good time to visit them, however the spirit gave us the impression that we should. We than knocked and the mother came out just a little bit angry and irritated but let us come into her house. As we entered the house, we got to meet the whole family. This family consists of a single mom, her 3 daughters, and 1 younger son. The family is very similar to my own family because the age difference between all of the siblings is about the same in my family. This made it a little more special for me. As soon as I met them I felt a lot of love and compassion for them. We got to know them a little bit more and found out that they had stopped going to church over 2 years ago. We got to know as well that the mother was very close to entering into the temple. Really just a wonderful family. Elder Soares and I were able to share a message with this family and the spirit was very strong. I gained a testimony of the power of ministering. It is amazing how we don't have to know everything about the gospel, nor do we need to know a language perfectly for the spirit to do its work. Truly, Elder Soares and I just read a chapter of the Book of Mormon with them and we didn't say a word. However when we ended the chapter, everyone from the family was in tears and knew that it was time to come back to church. THAT IS THE SPIRIT! Its amazing that each one of us has the potential to help other people feel the sensation of the spirit in their lives. Also the Gonzalez family, Juani, Saul, and Emilio came to church yesterday for the stake conference. They are progressing well, please keep paying for them!
Today we had our district activity and we went to a famous lookout here in Monterrey. In our district we have people from Peru, Costa Rica, México, Brazil, Columbia, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, y Nebraska! At this lookout you can see the whole city of Monterrey. I never knew how big it really is! 5 Million people! After we went and ate at a buffet! Life cant get better! Have a great week!
Love, Elder Gibson
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Week 90. Las Puentes, Mexico.
Week 90: Family Frenzy!
This past week was awesome, we were able to find a lot of great families to teach! This week Elder Santos and I really focused on finding new people to teach. We spent the whole week with the goal to find families to teach. Its a lot harder to contact a whole family than it is just one person! We prayed to God that he could put not just people in our path but entire families. Than we had to pray again to give us the courage to talk to them when they had been placed in our path.😂 It was amazing how we were blessed by giving these types of specific prayers. Here in the mission I have learned that if we want something from God we have to create a plan a present it unto him. Its just like the story of the Brother of Jared in the Book of Mormon. The Brother of Jared asked the Lord, " Behold, O Lord, wilt thou suffer that we shall cross this great water in darkness?" And the Lord responded, "What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in your vessels?" The Lord basically said, "you really just think that I am going to just do everything so that you guys can cross the great waters with light?" Im sure the Brother of Jared felt a little bit discouraged however he than at this moment realized that he had to put in his part to receive the divine help from the Lord. With this knowledge, he climbs a mountain with "exceeding height" to obtain transparent stones. He than prays and asks the Lord again to help them obtain light however this time after him doing his part and acting with faith the Lord gives him a different answer than the first time. Not only did he receive the light that they needed, but he had an outstanding experience by seeing the Lord face to face. When we act by faith and do all that we can do, that is when God will be able to work miracles in our lives.
This past week I had exchanges with Elder Powers from Alaska. He is a super cool guy and I went over to his area. It is in a pueblito (ranch) named El Carmen. Its about an hour and half from Monterrey. His area is awesome though because out in the pueblito everyone is so humble and want to learn more about God. During our exchanges, we had some very spiritual lessons with some good folks. Something very special about the Mexican people is that they are blessed with the gift of visions and dreams. For example, Elder Powers and I were walking down the street and contacted a lady who was sitting in her front porch. We contacted her and said to her, "We don't know why God gave us the impression to talk to you but maybe you have an idea, what do you think the reason is?" She replied and said, "I was praying last night to God before I went to bed about how I can be a better mother and guide for my children." She than said, "As I fell asleep I slipped into a dream where I saw 2 men, one was wearing a blue tie and the other was wearing a black tie." She than explained, "I than saw my family and I dressed in white, but I am not really sure what the dream meant, maybe God sent y'all to me to explain this dream that I had." Man, Elder Powers and I were shocked. I think more than anything we were shocked that we picked out the right color of tie in the morning.😂 Amazingly , many times here in the mission my investigators have received answers from their dreams and or a vision. I have came to know that the gifts of the spirit are real and each and every one of us have them. We just have to pray and seek which ones we have to magnify them.
Also something else super awesome is that it has cooling off a lot here in Monterrey which came sometimes be a disadvantage for us. Let me explain... When the weather gets below 60 degrees here, everyone is freezing! At 50 degrees, everyone has their beanies and big ole coats on like they are in a big ole Idaho winter storm.😂 Sometimes they don't even open their door because they don't want to get cold... at 60 degrees!! Even worse sometimes the members don't even open the door open to us because they are too cold. But its okay I still love them all!! I am trying to take advantage of each moment that I have left here in the mission. I have been blessed to see the Lords hand in this great work, the Regathering of Isreal. I know that this is his work and glory to bring forth the immortality and eternal life of man. As Jesus once taught, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." We are all enlisted until the conflict is over. Love you all and hope you all have a wonderful week!
This past week was awesome, we were able to find a lot of great families to teach! This week Elder Santos and I really focused on finding new people to teach. We spent the whole week with the goal to find families to teach. Its a lot harder to contact a whole family than it is just one person! We prayed to God that he could put not just people in our path but entire families. Than we had to pray again to give us the courage to talk to them when they had been placed in our path.😂 It was amazing how we were blessed by giving these types of specific prayers. Here in the mission I have learned that if we want something from God we have to create a plan a present it unto him. Its just like the story of the Brother of Jared in the Book of Mormon. The Brother of Jared asked the Lord, " Behold, O Lord, wilt thou suffer that we shall cross this great water in darkness?" And the Lord responded, "What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in your vessels?" The Lord basically said, "you really just think that I am going to just do everything so that you guys can cross the great waters with light?" Im sure the Brother of Jared felt a little bit discouraged however he than at this moment realized that he had to put in his part to receive the divine help from the Lord. With this knowledge, he climbs a mountain with "exceeding height" to obtain transparent stones. He than prays and asks the Lord again to help them obtain light however this time after him doing his part and acting with faith the Lord gives him a different answer than the first time. Not only did he receive the light that they needed, but he had an outstanding experience by seeing the Lord face to face. When we act by faith and do all that we can do, that is when God will be able to work miracles in our lives.
This past week I had exchanges with Elder Powers from Alaska. He is a super cool guy and I went over to his area. It is in a pueblito (ranch) named El Carmen. Its about an hour and half from Monterrey. His area is awesome though because out in the pueblito everyone is so humble and want to learn more about God. During our exchanges, we had some very spiritual lessons with some good folks. Something very special about the Mexican people is that they are blessed with the gift of visions and dreams. For example, Elder Powers and I were walking down the street and contacted a lady who was sitting in her front porch. We contacted her and said to her, "We don't know why God gave us the impression to talk to you but maybe you have an idea, what do you think the reason is?" She replied and said, "I was praying last night to God before I went to bed about how I can be a better mother and guide for my children." She than said, "As I fell asleep I slipped into a dream where I saw 2 men, one was wearing a blue tie and the other was wearing a black tie." She than explained, "I than saw my family and I dressed in white, but I am not really sure what the dream meant, maybe God sent y'all to me to explain this dream that I had." Man, Elder Powers and I were shocked. I think more than anything we were shocked that we picked out the right color of tie in the morning.😂 Amazingly , many times here in the mission my investigators have received answers from their dreams and or a vision. I have came to know that the gifts of the spirit are real and each and every one of us have them. We just have to pray and seek which ones we have to magnify them.
Also something else super awesome is that it has cooling off a lot here in Monterrey which came sometimes be a disadvantage for us. Let me explain... When the weather gets below 60 degrees here, everyone is freezing! At 50 degrees, everyone has their beanies and big ole coats on like they are in a big ole Idaho winter storm.😂 Sometimes they don't even open their door because they don't want to get cold... at 60 degrees!! Even worse sometimes the members don't even open the door open to us because they are too cold. But its okay I still love them all!! I am trying to take advantage of each moment that I have left here in the mission. I have been blessed to see the Lords hand in this great work, the Regathering of Isreal. I know that this is his work and glory to bring forth the immortality and eternal life of man. As Jesus once taught, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." We are all enlisted until the conflict is over. Love you all and hope you all have a wonderful week!
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Week 89. Las Puentes, Mexico.
Week 89: Successful Week.
This week was so awesome! We were able to find an amazing family. This past Tuesday we were walking in the street and we contacting a woman named Monica. She didn't seem to be interested however she gave us her direction and told us that we could pass by some other day. So we passed by on Thursday and we talked to her father outside and asked if Monica was home and we heard her yell from inside that she was busy. However, we took advantage and we talked with her father who's name is Saul. A very humble and genuine man. He accepted to listen to us. Elder Santos and I felt an impression to sing a hymn for the hermano. We sang him a hymn and as we ended, the wife of Saul who's name is Juany came out and asked us who we were. We went on to present ourselves with her and she as well accepted to listen to our message. We sat down with them and 3 of their grandkids came out and listened to us as well. We shared the restoration with them and the spirit was so strong, Elder Santos and I could see in their eyes that they knew that what we were teaching was true. While we were ending the lesson, Juany commented to us that one her grandkids was very sick. Elder Santos and I offered to give the child a blessing. They said that they would love it so they invited us into their house. As we entered we realized that they have a really big family! Their were around 9 people in the house and we explained to everyone about priesthood blessings and than we gave a blessing to the child and after the blessing there was a spirit that was almost tangible. Sunday rolls around and Saul, Juany, and the 3 grandkids show up to church! I was so excited to see them come to church, what a big blessing! We than taught them The Plan of Salvation and once again, we could see in their eyes that they knew what we were teaching was true. This family reminds me a lot of the verse that says, " And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their heart." Many people have been prepared by the Lord to listen to his voice and hear the message of The Restoration. I love this family and I love this work. Please pray for this family that they will continue progressing! I hope that you all have a great week! Oh and Elder Santos completed a year last week.
Love, Elder Gibson
This week was so awesome! We were able to find an amazing family. This past Tuesday we were walking in the street and we contacting a woman named Monica. She didn't seem to be interested however she gave us her direction and told us that we could pass by some other day. So we passed by on Thursday and we talked to her father outside and asked if Monica was home and we heard her yell from inside that she was busy. However, we took advantage and we talked with her father who's name is Saul. A very humble and genuine man. He accepted to listen to us. Elder Santos and I felt an impression to sing a hymn for the hermano. We sang him a hymn and as we ended, the wife of Saul who's name is Juany came out and asked us who we were. We went on to present ourselves with her and she as well accepted to listen to our message. We sat down with them and 3 of their grandkids came out and listened to us as well. We shared the restoration with them and the spirit was so strong, Elder Santos and I could see in their eyes that they knew that what we were teaching was true. While we were ending the lesson, Juany commented to us that one her grandkids was very sick. Elder Santos and I offered to give the child a blessing. They said that they would love it so they invited us into their house. As we entered we realized that they have a really big family! Their were around 9 people in the house and we explained to everyone about priesthood blessings and than we gave a blessing to the child and after the blessing there was a spirit that was almost tangible. Sunday rolls around and Saul, Juany, and the 3 grandkids show up to church! I was so excited to see them come to church, what a big blessing! We than taught them The Plan of Salvation and once again, we could see in their eyes that they knew what we were teaching was true. This family reminds me a lot of the verse that says, " And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their heart." Many people have been prepared by the Lord to listen to his voice and hear the message of The Restoration. I love this family and I love this work. Please pray for this family that they will continue progressing! I hope that you all have a great week! Oh and Elder Santos completed a year last week.
Love, Elder Gibson
Monday, October 8, 2018
Week 88. Las Puentes, Mexico.
Week 88: Las Puentes!
Well this past week has been very interesting and very busy! First of all I have been in a trio for this past week with Elder Santos and Elder Tidwell. Elder Tidwell will be training a new missionary but he has not arrived to Monterrey yet because he is waiting for his visa in Brazil. However, tomorrow Elder Tidwell will be receiving his new companion and wont be with us anymore. Elder Santos is from Veracruz and has around a year in the mission. He is a really good guy and I am super excited to get working here in this area with him.
This past week we had to go out to an area called Sabinas Hidalgo. It is a small village about 2 hours outside of Monterrey. There is a small branch out there and we had to go and help them out with a few things. It is in the middle of the mountains so it was a good trip out to finally get a breath of fresh air. 😂 It has been awesome to get to know a lot of people and a lot of different parts here in Nuevo León (the state that Monterrey is in).
Here in the area it looks like there is a lot of potential. This past week we were just contacting and trying to find some people to teach! I think for the first few weeks we are going to be focusing on finding new people to teach and to come with us to church. Of course I miss my past area and all of the wonderful people I met there but I am ready to get the work rolling here in Las Puentes. Also to end, I loved this past conference and all of the counsel and guidance we received. I love the missionary work and my time here in the mission. I am just going to keep giving it my all to find the people who need the gospel the most. Love you all and have a great week!
Love, Elder Gibson
Well this past week has been very interesting and very busy! First of all I have been in a trio for this past week with Elder Santos and Elder Tidwell. Elder Tidwell will be training a new missionary but he has not arrived to Monterrey yet because he is waiting for his visa in Brazil. However, tomorrow Elder Tidwell will be receiving his new companion and wont be with us anymore. Elder Santos is from Veracruz and has around a year in the mission. He is a really good guy and I am super excited to get working here in this area with him.
This past week we had to go out to an area called Sabinas Hidalgo. It is a small village about 2 hours outside of Monterrey. There is a small branch out there and we had to go and help them out with a few things. It is in the middle of the mountains so it was a good trip out to finally get a breath of fresh air. 😂 It has been awesome to get to know a lot of people and a lot of different parts here in Nuevo León (the state that Monterrey is in).
Here in the area it looks like there is a lot of potential. This past week we were just contacting and trying to find some people to teach! I think for the first few weeks we are going to be focusing on finding new people to teach and to come with us to church. Of course I miss my past area and all of the wonderful people I met there but I am ready to get the work rolling here in Las Puentes. Also to end, I loved this past conference and all of the counsel and guidance we received. I love the missionary work and my time here in the mission. I am just going to keep giving it my all to find the people who need the gospel the most. Love you all and have a great week!
Love, Elder Gibson
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Week 87. La Estancia, Mexico.
Week 87: Temple and Transfers!
This past week I had the opportunity to go with Elder Hernandez and Arturo to the temple! Arturo got baptized when Elder Hernandez and I were in La Pastora about 5 months ago. He called us up saying that he wanted to go to the temple for the first time. Elder Hernandez and I called up President Maucotel to ask for special permission to go. President gave us permission so we were able to go and it was a great experience! It was great to catch up on old times with them.
Also, I got transfers this week! I am going to move over to a zone called Anáhuac. This transfer there are going to put together 2 zones into 1 so the zone should be pretty huge! That just means a lot of work. 👍It is going to be fun because alot of the areas in the zone are small country towns. It will be awesome to get to know all of the areas in the zone! I am super excited to work in a new area and new zone these last 2 transfers that I have in the mission! I hope that you all have a great week and enjoy conference weekend!
Love, Elder Gibson
This past week I had the opportunity to go with Elder Hernandez and Arturo to the temple! Arturo got baptized when Elder Hernandez and I were in La Pastora about 5 months ago. He called us up saying that he wanted to go to the temple for the first time. Elder Hernandez and I called up President Maucotel to ask for special permission to go. President gave us permission so we were able to go and it was a great experience! It was great to catch up on old times with them.
Also, I got transfers this week! I am going to move over to a zone called Anáhuac. This transfer there are going to put together 2 zones into 1 so the zone should be pretty huge! That just means a lot of work. 👍It is going to be fun because alot of the areas in the zone are small country towns. It will be awesome to get to know all of the areas in the zone! I am super excited to work in a new area and new zone these last 2 transfers that I have in the mission! I hope that you all have a great week and enjoy conference weekend!
Love, Elder Gibson
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Week 86. La Estancia, Mexico.
Week 86. Rocio and Jaziel's Baptism
What a week! Elder Walgren and I were able to witness a miracle this past week. Let me explain, so my very first day here in this area Elder Hernandez and I contacted a woman named Rocio. Elder Hernandez and I started teaching her and it was very obvious that in her youth she was never taught the commandments of God. We came to know that she was struggling with a lot of addictions, however she didn't know that what she was doing wasn't necessarily bad in the eyes of God. We started to teach her the lessons and each lesson we taught the spirit was very strong testifying of each truths of the gospel that we taught her. She decided to come to church for the first time about 6 weeks ago. Her very first time she got up to introduce herself in front of the relief society and said, "I am hungry to learn and to see if this church is true." We than started to teach the commandments and invited her to make the needed changes in her life to be happier. We taught all the commandments that are necessary for baptism about 4 weeks ago. This past Wednesday we had a lesson with Rocio to check how she has been doing with keeping the commandments. I was honestly expecting her to tell us that she had still been struggling to keep them and that it was going to take a while until she could be baptized. However after we passed over all the commandments on Wednesday we understood that she was keeping all of the commandments that we had taught her. I was shocked that she was able to drop all of her bad habits so quick! We than asked her what would be something that is holding her back from being baptized. She responded and said, "well what do I need before I can get baptized?" We than did a practice baptism interview and she passed with flying colors! She was ready and had a strong testimony about the church. We than explained to her and her son that they were ready to be baptized and take this big step in their life. They agreed that it was time. However, Rocio told us that she was going to have surgery on Saturday and that she was going to be in bed recovering for about 3 weeks. Elder Walgren and I than invited them to be baptized on Friday, one day before her surgery. They accepted and right after that we called up our district leader to come and do the interview. He came over and did it and than we called President for special permission to do the confirmation of the Holy Ghost right after the baptism service. We got permission from our Mission President and than we starting calling the whole ward saying that we were going to be having a baptism on Friday! Friday rolled around and we had zone conference and had to give a training session to the zone about the Book of Mormon. After the zone conference we had to run on over to the church to fill up the baptismal font and get everything ready. Rocio, Jaziel, and the members got there at 7 and we started the baptism service. The baptism turned out wonderful. The spirit was present and it was an unforgettable moment. I sat in the bathroom after the ordinance just thinking of how God can help people change their evil traditions. It reminded me a lot about the scriptures found in Helaman 15:7-9. I was amazed about how Rocio was able to change so quick. Talking to her at the end of the service I felt like I was talking to a different person than when I first met her. I now understand what it means when Jesus told us that we must be born of water and of the spirit. I testify that if we look at people not for who they are but who they can become we can be instruments in Gods hands to do miracles in the lifes of others. Oh and to end, Marco gave a talk in church yesterday! I love this work. Have a great week.
Love, Elder Gibson
What a week! Elder Walgren and I were able to witness a miracle this past week. Let me explain, so my very first day here in this area Elder Hernandez and I contacted a woman named Rocio. Elder Hernandez and I started teaching her and it was very obvious that in her youth she was never taught the commandments of God. We came to know that she was struggling with a lot of addictions, however she didn't know that what she was doing wasn't necessarily bad in the eyes of God. We started to teach her the lessons and each lesson we taught the spirit was very strong testifying of each truths of the gospel that we taught her. She decided to come to church for the first time about 6 weeks ago. Her very first time she got up to introduce herself in front of the relief society and said, "I am hungry to learn and to see if this church is true." We than started to teach the commandments and invited her to make the needed changes in her life to be happier. We taught all the commandments that are necessary for baptism about 4 weeks ago. This past Wednesday we had a lesson with Rocio to check how she has been doing with keeping the commandments. I was honestly expecting her to tell us that she had still been struggling to keep them and that it was going to take a while until she could be baptized. However after we passed over all the commandments on Wednesday we understood that she was keeping all of the commandments that we had taught her. I was shocked that she was able to drop all of her bad habits so quick! We than asked her what would be something that is holding her back from being baptized. She responded and said, "well what do I need before I can get baptized?" We than did a practice baptism interview and she passed with flying colors! She was ready and had a strong testimony about the church. We than explained to her and her son that they were ready to be baptized and take this big step in their life. They agreed that it was time. However, Rocio told us that she was going to have surgery on Saturday and that she was going to be in bed recovering for about 3 weeks. Elder Walgren and I than invited them to be baptized on Friday, one day before her surgery. They accepted and right after that we called up our district leader to come and do the interview. He came over and did it and than we called President for special permission to do the confirmation of the Holy Ghost right after the baptism service. We got permission from our Mission President and than we starting calling the whole ward saying that we were going to be having a baptism on Friday! Friday rolled around and we had zone conference and had to give a training session to the zone about the Book of Mormon. After the zone conference we had to run on over to the church to fill up the baptismal font and get everything ready. Rocio, Jaziel, and the members got there at 7 and we started the baptism service. The baptism turned out wonderful. The spirit was present and it was an unforgettable moment. I sat in the bathroom after the ordinance just thinking of how God can help people change their evil traditions. It reminded me a lot about the scriptures found in Helaman 15:7-9. I was amazed about how Rocio was able to change so quick. Talking to her at the end of the service I felt like I was talking to a different person than when I first met her. I now understand what it means when Jesus told us that we must be born of water and of the spirit. I testify that if we look at people not for who they are but who they can become we can be instruments in Gods hands to do miracles in the lifes of others. Oh and to end, Marco gave a talk in church yesterday! I love this work. Have a great week.
Love, Elder Gibson
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Week 85. La Estancia, Mexico.
Week 85: Independence day!
Viva México!! This past week here in Mexico we celebrated their independence day. Friday night we had a huge fiesta with the stake. There was all kind of Mexican food, dances, even a mariachi band there (if you dont know what that is, look it up!). Also a few of our investigators were able to show up to the activity which was awesome! Im sure there were about 350 people there. Of course we ended the night off with fireworks!
On Saturday, we were able to go to the temple with Marco! Elder Walgren and I got permission to go and do baptisms with Marco for his first time. Marco explained to us that he really enjoyed the temple and could feel the spirit very strongly, the temple really is a huge blessing! Every week the time just goes by faster and faster, I am just trying to absorb all the spiritual and special experiences of the mission while I can! I love you all and have a great week. Sorry for the short letter but nothing too crazy happened this week, just pure work!
Love, Elder Gibson
Viva México!! This past week here in Mexico we celebrated their independence day. Friday night we had a huge fiesta with the stake. There was all kind of Mexican food, dances, even a mariachi band there (if you dont know what that is, look it up!). Also a few of our investigators were able to show up to the activity which was awesome! Im sure there were about 350 people there. Of course we ended the night off with fireworks!
On Saturday, we were able to go to the temple with Marco! Elder Walgren and I got permission to go and do baptisms with Marco for his first time. Marco explained to us that he really enjoyed the temple and could feel the spirit very strongly, the temple really is a huge blessing! Every week the time just goes by faster and faster, I am just trying to absorb all the spiritual and special experiences of the mission while I can! I love you all and have a great week. Sorry for the short letter but nothing too crazy happened this week, just pure work!
Love, Elder Gibson
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Week 84. La Estancia, Mexico.
Week 84: Pazole!
This past week we were super busy! We honestly didnt even really have alot of time to work in our area this past week. However alot of great work was done. We started the week off with having exchanges with the assistants to president. I was with Elder Peirce and it was awesome! A quick story. We were ending the day walking back to the house and we were super hungry. We didnt have any money with us so we were unable to go and buy food. As we were walking through a super nice colony, an older lady screamed at us saying, "You guys want pazole?" Pazole is a super good dish that they make here in Mexico. Since we were starving, we gladly accepted! We entered in and it was just staright old people celebrating the indepence of Mexico. Just a little awkward!!😂 However, we sat down at the table with them and talked about who we are and what we do, oh and we enjoyed our pazole😂. After we got full we thanked them for their kindness and we were off! Man, Elder Pierce and I had a good laugh at that one (Check the attatched pictures). I did learn that God really does answer prayers. 😂
Okay now for the more spiritual side of the week. Marco got the Aaronic Priestood and his recommendation to the temple! Elder Walgren and I are going to go to the temple this Saturday with him to do baptisms. He is doing great! This week we also found a wonderful new family to teach. It is a mother and her 3 daughters and all of them have alot of potential to progress! Elder Walgren and I were super happy to see that even though we had little time in our area, we were able to find alot of great people. To top the week off, Elder Gillen and Miniel had a baptism. It was Elder Miniels first baptism in the mission so we went over to support them. It was a very special moment for thier convert Guadalupe and for Elder Miniel. I love seeing the fruits of this wonderful work. It was a great week and it has been raining like crazy! Have a great week.
Love, Elder Gibson
P.S Good luck finding me in the picture with Elder Bednar
This past week we were super busy! We honestly didnt even really have alot of time to work in our area this past week. However alot of great work was done. We started the week off with having exchanges with the assistants to president. I was with Elder Peirce and it was awesome! A quick story. We were ending the day walking back to the house and we were super hungry. We didnt have any money with us so we were unable to go and buy food. As we were walking through a super nice colony, an older lady screamed at us saying, "You guys want pazole?" Pazole is a super good dish that they make here in Mexico. Since we were starving, we gladly accepted! We entered in and it was just staright old people celebrating the indepence of Mexico. Just a little awkward!!😂 However, we sat down at the table with them and talked about who we are and what we do, oh and we enjoyed our pazole😂. After we got full we thanked them for their kindness and we were off! Man, Elder Pierce and I had a good laugh at that one (Check the attatched pictures). I did learn that God really does answer prayers. 😂
Okay now for the more spiritual side of the week. Marco got the Aaronic Priestood and his recommendation to the temple! Elder Walgren and I are going to go to the temple this Saturday with him to do baptisms. He is doing great! This week we also found a wonderful new family to teach. It is a mother and her 3 daughters and all of them have alot of potential to progress! Elder Walgren and I were super happy to see that even though we had little time in our area, we were able to find alot of great people. To top the week off, Elder Gillen and Miniel had a baptism. It was Elder Miniels first baptism in the mission so we went over to support them. It was a very special moment for thier convert Guadalupe and for Elder Miniel. I love seeing the fruits of this wonderful work. It was a great week and it has been raining like crazy! Have a great week.
Love, Elder Gibson
P.S Good luck finding me in the picture with Elder Bednar
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Week 83. La Estancia, Mexico.
Week 83: Marco's Baptism
Well this week was fantastic! We had Marcos baptism and it was a great experience. I had the oppurtunity and blessing to baptize Marco. We did it to start off the mutual so that all the youth could be there to support him. The best part is that Marcos family came to his baptism!! In fact, they felt the spirit at the baptismal service so they decided to come to church yesterday for the first time! All 6 members of his family came, it was truly amazing. With it being the first Sunday of the month, it was the testimony meeting at church and Marco went up and bore his testimony! Elder Walgren and I were completely shocked. He testified of his conversion story and talked about his desires to serve a full time mission. He also wants to turn 14 so he can go to early morning seminary... What a devoted young man!😂 Honestly I give thanks to God for giving me these unforgettable experiences here in the mission. Only about 6 weeks ago I sent a email saying that we found a great kid named Marco who had desires to learn more about the gospel. Now, he has been converted and confirmed a member of the church. He has now recieved the first saving ordinace of the gospel. He is now on his way to a newly inspired way of life. What a blessing it is to take part in this marvolous work.
We also had our meeting with Elder Bednar on Saturday. It was a wonderful experience to have the presence of one of the chosen apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. He taught us how learing by the spirit is the most important thing. We took the 3 hours of the meeting just asking him questions. However, he didnt ever give us a direct answer. He would always respond to us with a different question based off the question we had just asked him. Through this way of teaching, we were able to think and elaborate for ourselves and recieve personal impressions to be taught by the Spirit. He taught us that as sons and daughters of God, we each have the ability to obtain an answer of our own questions by the power of the Holy Ghost. I now know that the scripture is true that says, "And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." We are not objects, we are our personal agents, Act like a agent, not an object!
To end, we found two teenagers named Rocio and Brandon this past week knocking doors. They are brother and sister and they are awesome! They came to church yesterday and really enjoyed it. They have alot of potential to progress very quickly! I am thankful for all the blessings that happen this past week. I hope you all had a wonderful week as well. If not, its a new week! Take care!
Love, Elder Gibson
P.S A picture of the cockroach killing spree en la noche.
Well this week was fantastic! We had Marcos baptism and it was a great experience. I had the oppurtunity and blessing to baptize Marco. We did it to start off the mutual so that all the youth could be there to support him. The best part is that Marcos family came to his baptism!! In fact, they felt the spirit at the baptismal service so they decided to come to church yesterday for the first time! All 6 members of his family came, it was truly amazing. With it being the first Sunday of the month, it was the testimony meeting at church and Marco went up and bore his testimony! Elder Walgren and I were completely shocked. He testified of his conversion story and talked about his desires to serve a full time mission. He also wants to turn 14 so he can go to early morning seminary... What a devoted young man!😂 Honestly I give thanks to God for giving me these unforgettable experiences here in the mission. Only about 6 weeks ago I sent a email saying that we found a great kid named Marco who had desires to learn more about the gospel. Now, he has been converted and confirmed a member of the church. He has now recieved the first saving ordinace of the gospel. He is now on his way to a newly inspired way of life. What a blessing it is to take part in this marvolous work.
We also had our meeting with Elder Bednar on Saturday. It was a wonderful experience to have the presence of one of the chosen apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. He taught us how learing by the spirit is the most important thing. We took the 3 hours of the meeting just asking him questions. However, he didnt ever give us a direct answer. He would always respond to us with a different question based off the question we had just asked him. Through this way of teaching, we were able to think and elaborate for ourselves and recieve personal impressions to be taught by the Spirit. He taught us that as sons and daughters of God, we each have the ability to obtain an answer of our own questions by the power of the Holy Ghost. I now know that the scripture is true that says, "And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." We are not objects, we are our personal agents, Act like a agent, not an object!
To end, we found two teenagers named Rocio and Brandon this past week knocking doors. They are brother and sister and they are awesome! They came to church yesterday and really enjoyed it. They have alot of potential to progress very quickly! I am thankful for all the blessings that happen this past week. I hope you all had a wonderful week as well. If not, its a new week! Take care!
Love, Elder Gibson
P.S A picture of the cockroach killing spree en la noche.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Week 82. La Estancia, Mexico.
Week 82: Many blessings!
Well first week with Elder Walgren was filled with alot of work and blessings. First off, Elder Walgren is from Mccall Idaho. Aint that crazy?? Puro Poder!! It has been nice to talk about Idaho a bit this past week. He has around 10 months in the mission and is awesome. He has alot of energy to work and we have set some really high goals to accomplish this transfer.
This past week we were able to obtain the permission of Marcos mother to be baptized. What a miracle! It was a very long process however with alot of prayers, God was able to soften the heart of Marcos mother to really understand the importance of baptism. However the key to receiving it honestly wasnt us, it was Marco! Marco shared his testimony with his mother and even shared many scriptures with her. These are the things that impacted his mother and changed her point of view. As we showed up to his house to get the signature, we had a brief meeting with his mother, Marco shared his testimony about the Plan of Salvation. It was incredible to hear and see how this 13 year old young man had been converted unto the gospel! It was a testimony builder for me that the gospel is for all ages. Someone who is 13 can receive peace and joy from the gospel just as someone who is 85 can. Marcos baptism will be held this Thursday and I am super excited! He has truly been converted unto the gospel and even has desires to serve a mission. The best part is that his sisters are now very interested and are going to come with us to church this Sunday.
This past week we were able to have a great experience. We found a family and the mother of this family commented to us that she had been going to church when she was 16 with the missionaries. However, her father wouldnt let her be baptize back then. She than later lost contact with the missionaries but she commented to us that she really liked the church and would like to return. She has 4 kids and they are all willing to learn! We hope that they can turn out to have a true desire to progress and learn more. Wish us luck!! Anyways, I hope that you all have a great week. Always stay on the straight and narrow path, its the way to live a truly happy life. This Saturday Elder Bednar is going to come and visit our mission, I am very excited to hear his words!
Love, Elder Gibson
Well first week with Elder Walgren was filled with alot of work and blessings. First off, Elder Walgren is from Mccall Idaho. Aint that crazy?? Puro Poder!! It has been nice to talk about Idaho a bit this past week. He has around 10 months in the mission and is awesome. He has alot of energy to work and we have set some really high goals to accomplish this transfer.
This past week we were able to obtain the permission of Marcos mother to be baptized. What a miracle! It was a very long process however with alot of prayers, God was able to soften the heart of Marcos mother to really understand the importance of baptism. However the key to receiving it honestly wasnt us, it was Marco! Marco shared his testimony with his mother and even shared many scriptures with her. These are the things that impacted his mother and changed her point of view. As we showed up to his house to get the signature, we had a brief meeting with his mother, Marco shared his testimony about the Plan of Salvation. It was incredible to hear and see how this 13 year old young man had been converted unto the gospel! It was a testimony builder for me that the gospel is for all ages. Someone who is 13 can receive peace and joy from the gospel just as someone who is 85 can. Marcos baptism will be held this Thursday and I am super excited! He has truly been converted unto the gospel and even has desires to serve a mission. The best part is that his sisters are now very interested and are going to come with us to church this Sunday.
This past week we were able to have a great experience. We found a family and the mother of this family commented to us that she had been going to church when she was 16 with the missionaries. However, her father wouldnt let her be baptize back then. She than later lost contact with the missionaries but she commented to us that she really liked the church and would like to return. She has 4 kids and they are all willing to learn! We hope that they can turn out to have a true desire to progress and learn more. Wish us luck!! Anyways, I hope that you all have a great week. Always stay on the straight and narrow path, its the way to live a truly happy life. This Saturday Elder Bednar is going to come and visit our mission, I am very excited to hear his words!
Love, Elder Gibson
Monday, August 20, 2018
Week 81. La Estancia, Mexico.
Week 81: Transfers!
Well the day has come. Elder Hernandez and I finally had changes! Elder Hernandez is going to go and be zone leader in a different zone. I am going to be staying here in the area and will receive a new companion named Elder Walgreen. I am not sure where he is from but next week I will have more information! I am super bummed out that we had transfers but all changes are good! Elder Hernandez and I were together for about 6 months and it is going to be like saying goodbye to a brother! We have made memories that I will never forget. We have seen miracles happen together and the best part is Utah is close to Idaho! It will be awesome to see him after the mission. However, I am super excited to get a new companion to keep working here in the mission with the little time I have left!
I am so excited to keep working with all of the people here in this area! There is a lot of work to do this transfer and I am going to give it my all! Next week I will give more information on our investigators! Keep living the gospel and always hold tight unto the Iron Rod. Have a wonderful week! Some pictures of some service in the sun! Elder Hernandez and I when he hit a year and with Elder Gillen, Hernandez, and Miniel! Have a great week!
Love, Elder Gibson
Well the day has come. Elder Hernandez and I finally had changes! Elder Hernandez is going to go and be zone leader in a different zone. I am going to be staying here in the area and will receive a new companion named Elder Walgreen. I am not sure where he is from but next week I will have more information! I am super bummed out that we had transfers but all changes are good! Elder Hernandez and I were together for about 6 months and it is going to be like saying goodbye to a brother! We have made memories that I will never forget. We have seen miracles happen together and the best part is Utah is close to Idaho! It will be awesome to see him after the mission. However, I am super excited to get a new companion to keep working here in the mission with the little time I have left!
I am so excited to keep working with all of the people here in this area! There is a lot of work to do this transfer and I am going to give it my all! Next week I will give more information on our investigators! Keep living the gospel and always hold tight unto the Iron Rod. Have a wonderful week! Some pictures of some service in the sun! Elder Hernandez and I when he hit a year and with Elder Gillen, Hernandez, and Miniel! Have a great week!
Love, Elder Gibson
Sunday, August 19, 2018
a little extra note...
A lady in Jared's Mission sent us a sweet message during the week about how great of a missionary he is. She also attached a few pictures from a service activity they had and some others when they were in their home. It was so fun to hear from a complete stranger that he has made such an impact on her's and her families lives! And, it is always good to see him!
Week 80. La Estancia, Mexico.
Week 80: A Week of Good Work
This past week Elder Hernandez and I had divisions in the area of the assistants. Their area is in a colony called independencia. This colony is well known here in Monterrey because it is just like the favelas in Brasil. Also it is the largest colony in Monterrey. It is also well known for its poverty. It was very interesting to work in such a different atmosphere. It hurt my heart to see so many problems and so much iniquity among them. It seemed as if everyone we talked to did not have any beliefs in God due thier situations. I reflected about how people can be born into this world with such hard circumstances. How people are brought into this world with a very slim chance of making it out of your teenage years without serious problems. This was on my mind and honestly bugged me for about three days until studying one morning, revelation came into my mind. This thought was that no matter what, Gods plan for us is perfect. That God knows our circumstances. That God is really so perfect, he has made a spirit world to bring forth his gospel unto every single one of his children. I gained a firm testimony that everyone will have their oppurtunities in this life or the next to enter into Gods presence. With this I fell extremely blessed to have been born in this wonderful gospel. After this experience, I felt a great desire to get out and share this restored message with everyone! I hope that each and every one of you are grateful for the blessings you guys have! With so many blessing, we have to be the ones to reach out to our friend or neighbor in need. I am thankful for all of these unforgettable experiences here in the mission.
Also to end the week, we were able to have 10 investigators at church with us. In the morning we did divisiones with 2 members from the ward to pass by for everyone! Many of our investigators showed up to church for the first time. It was truly a miracle! However it was kind of stressful! We had to run from the primary to the young mens to the relief society to make sure everyone was doing okay! 😂 Brandon, Marco, and Geraldo (New guy we found this week from Texas, speaks perfect English!) all had a white shirt and tie on. It was so great to see them all dressed up keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Marco wasnt able to be baptized this past week due to lack of permission from his mother. Please pray that his mom will let him be baptized soon! Your prayers really do help!
To end, Today we went to a place called Chipinque. It is a huge mountain that we as a district climbed up today! It was so nice to get out in the wilderness. Love this place! Anyways, I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Take care, God bless you all! Also Elder Hernandez completed a year this past week!
Love, Elder Gibson
This past week Elder Hernandez and I had divisions in the area of the assistants. Their area is in a colony called independencia. This colony is well known here in Monterrey because it is just like the favelas in Brasil. Also it is the largest colony in Monterrey. It is also well known for its poverty. It was very interesting to work in such a different atmosphere. It hurt my heart to see so many problems and so much iniquity among them. It seemed as if everyone we talked to did not have any beliefs in God due thier situations. I reflected about how people can be born into this world with such hard circumstances. How people are brought into this world with a very slim chance of making it out of your teenage years without serious problems. This was on my mind and honestly bugged me for about three days until studying one morning, revelation came into my mind. This thought was that no matter what, Gods plan for us is perfect. That God knows our circumstances. That God is really so perfect, he has made a spirit world to bring forth his gospel unto every single one of his children. I gained a firm testimony that everyone will have their oppurtunities in this life or the next to enter into Gods presence. With this I fell extremely blessed to have been born in this wonderful gospel. After this experience, I felt a great desire to get out and share this restored message with everyone! I hope that each and every one of you are grateful for the blessings you guys have! With so many blessing, we have to be the ones to reach out to our friend or neighbor in need. I am thankful for all of these unforgettable experiences here in the mission.
Also to end the week, we were able to have 10 investigators at church with us. In the morning we did divisiones with 2 members from the ward to pass by for everyone! Many of our investigators showed up to church for the first time. It was truly a miracle! However it was kind of stressful! We had to run from the primary to the young mens to the relief society to make sure everyone was doing okay! 😂 Brandon, Marco, and Geraldo (New guy we found this week from Texas, speaks perfect English!) all had a white shirt and tie on. It was so great to see them all dressed up keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Marco wasnt able to be baptized this past week due to lack of permission from his mother. Please pray that his mom will let him be baptized soon! Your prayers really do help!
To end, Today we went to a place called Chipinque. It is a huge mountain that we as a district climbed up today! It was so nice to get out in the wilderness. Love this place! Anyways, I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Take care, God bless you all! Also Elder Hernandez completed a year this past week!
Love, Elder Gibson
Monday, August 6, 2018
Week 79. La Estancia, Mexico.
Week 79: 18 Months Completed!
This week has been filled with ups and downs. I will start with the down moments to finish on a positive note. We had a lesson with Brandon on Friday and we taught him the Word of Wisdom. During the lesson he commented to us that he is struggling with keeping this commandment. Hearing that hurt Elder Hernandez and I because he has been progressing so well! We encouraged him that repentance is real and that he can overcome his addiction. However he seemed very sad after we had explained this commandment. He pretty much zoned out mid way through the lesson and I than asked him how he felt. He told me that he felt sad and dissapointed in himself. Deep down I was happy because I could see that he was going through the first faze of the repentance process. We hope that he will be able to use the atonement in his lfie to help him overcome his addictions. Also, Pablo had to get surgery on his knee! This made it so he couldnt come to church with us yesterday, however he promised us that next week he would be good to go! Rocio was also sick all week and wasnt able to come to chruch, but we passed by her house last night and gave her a blessing. She texted us this morning saying that she feels alot better! Love the power of the Priesthood.
Now lets move on to the good news. Marco is ready to be baptized! The only thing we are waiting for is his mothers permission. He has told us that she has told him that she is all for it! His baptism date is for this Saurday. Please pray that we can complete this date for Marco! We also had lidership council this past week and it was great to talk about the mission goals and what we are going to do to complete the goals! To end off the week, we had the zone activity today. We played minute to win it games and ate little ceasers. To top it all off, we broke a piñata filled with candy! Its been a good week over all and hope that you all are enjoying your summer! Take care. By the way, I completed 18 months!!
Love, Elder Gibson
This week has been filled with ups and downs. I will start with the down moments to finish on a positive note. We had a lesson with Brandon on Friday and we taught him the Word of Wisdom. During the lesson he commented to us that he is struggling with keeping this commandment. Hearing that hurt Elder Hernandez and I because he has been progressing so well! We encouraged him that repentance is real and that he can overcome his addiction. However he seemed very sad after we had explained this commandment. He pretty much zoned out mid way through the lesson and I than asked him how he felt. He told me that he felt sad and dissapointed in himself. Deep down I was happy because I could see that he was going through the first faze of the repentance process. We hope that he will be able to use the atonement in his lfie to help him overcome his addictions. Also, Pablo had to get surgery on his knee! This made it so he couldnt come to church with us yesterday, however he promised us that next week he would be good to go! Rocio was also sick all week and wasnt able to come to chruch, but we passed by her house last night and gave her a blessing. She texted us this morning saying that she feels alot better! Love the power of the Priesthood.
Now lets move on to the good news. Marco is ready to be baptized! The only thing we are waiting for is his mothers permission. He has told us that she has told him that she is all for it! His baptism date is for this Saurday. Please pray that we can complete this date for Marco! We also had lidership council this past week and it was great to talk about the mission goals and what we are going to do to complete the goals! To end off the week, we had the zone activity today. We played minute to win it games and ate little ceasers. To top it all off, we broke a piñata filled with candy! Its been a good week over all and hope that you all are enjoying your summer! Take care. By the way, I completed 18 months!!
Love, Elder Gibson
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Week 78. La Estancia, Mexico.
Week 78: Progression!
This past week was awesome in the sense of our investigators progressing. We were able to have 8 people at church with us! 5 of them for the first time. Elder Hernandez and I have been focusing on finding alot more young people because they really are the future of the church and usually a lot more receptive. In fact 7 of the 8 that came with us were less than 22 years of age! And yes Pablo did come in his suit! 😂 A brother in the ward has a big ole van and we passed by for all 8 of them in the morning! 11 people in the van heading over to church, what great memories! I felt like we were passing to pick up the 2,000 strippling warriors!
We also had a very spiritual lesson with 2 women named Rocio and Mary, mother and daughter. We contacted them a while back but it was a struggle to find them again. For the first time we showed up and they invited us in. We taught about the resturation of the gospel and about baptism. We invited them to be baptized and they happily accepted. During this lesson they had very interesting questions such as: Why do some people suffer so much here on Earth? Why is your church different than the others? Why am I here on Earth? Where am I going after this life?. It was incredible to see how the spirit gave Elder Hernandez and I the words they needed to hear. Also how the spirit testified to them of what we were saying was true. We ended by asking if they had prayed before in thier life and they commented that it had been a very long time. We than offered a kneeling prayer with them in thier living room. Elder Hernandez offered a wonderful prayer and it was evident that every single person in the room was touched by the spirit of the Lord. Moments like these have truly fortified my testimony. Have a great week. MANTÉNGANSE SEGUROS EN LA FE Y DIOS LES BENDICIRÁ. LES AMO. QUE TENGAN UNA BONITA SEMANA!
Love, Elder Gibson
Elder Hernandez and I got to cook with our investigator. Made Crepes and funeral potatoes haha! Also Pablos dog and I are pretty good pals.
This past week was awesome in the sense of our investigators progressing. We were able to have 8 people at church with us! 5 of them for the first time. Elder Hernandez and I have been focusing on finding alot more young people because they really are the future of the church and usually a lot more receptive. In fact 7 of the 8 that came with us were less than 22 years of age! And yes Pablo did come in his suit! 😂 A brother in the ward has a big ole van and we passed by for all 8 of them in the morning! 11 people in the van heading over to church, what great memories! I felt like we were passing to pick up the 2,000 strippling warriors!
We also had a very spiritual lesson with 2 women named Rocio and Mary, mother and daughter. We contacted them a while back but it was a struggle to find them again. For the first time we showed up and they invited us in. We taught about the resturation of the gospel and about baptism. We invited them to be baptized and they happily accepted. During this lesson they had very interesting questions such as: Why do some people suffer so much here on Earth? Why is your church different than the others? Why am I here on Earth? Where am I going after this life?. It was incredible to see how the spirit gave Elder Hernandez and I the words they needed to hear. Also how the spirit testified to them of what we were saying was true. We ended by asking if they had prayed before in thier life and they commented that it had been a very long time. We than offered a kneeling prayer with them in thier living room. Elder Hernandez offered a wonderful prayer and it was evident that every single person in the room was touched by the spirit of the Lord. Moments like these have truly fortified my testimony. Have a great week. MANTÉNGANSE SEGUROS EN LA FE Y DIOS LES BENDICIRÁ. LES AMO. QUE TENGAN UNA BONITA SEMANA!
Love, Elder Gibson
Elder Hernandez and I got to cook with our investigator. Made Crepes and funeral potatoes haha! Also Pablos dog and I are pretty good pals.
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